Ticket sales have ended. Please check out one of these upcoming shows!
Wednesday November 6th, 2019 - 9:15PM
Location : New York Comedy Club New York, NY
Created in 2004, the New York Comedy Festival is a five-day festival featuring more than 200 comedians performing in more than 60 shows at venues throughout the City.
Comedians Michael Kosta (who is traveling last minute with The Daily Show but misses you all and will TOPICS with us in the very near future) & Leah Bonnema (who’ll be performing a hard chunk on BOOKS, like the ones you read, not as in ‘who books that’) curate a night of comics (Fisher! Sharpe! Cannon! DeLoach!) who've crafted material on ONE subject. Books. Clothes. Getting Robbed? It’s gonna be wild. Talk about going deep on a premise!
Leah Bonnema
Corinne Fisher
Mike Cannon
Lawrence DeLoach
Shalewa Sharpe