Ticket sales have ended. Please check out one of these upcoming shows!
Friday May 22nd, 2020 - 9:15PM
Location : New York Comedy Club New York, NY
Join us for an online album release show and celebration for Marc Gerber’s debut comedy album Avid Indoorsman. Avid Indoorsman has been featured on Sirius Raw Dog, and is now available from 800 Pound Gorilla records on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Radio, Pandora and Google Play! Timeline - November 2019: Marc records Avid Indoorsman at New York Comedy Club about a city dwelling hypochondriac terrified of the natural world. May 2020: The album is released after Marc has fled the city to escape a global pandemic and to live on an actual farm. Art mocks life! Marc will discuss tracks from the album and have a few funny surprise guests along for the ride!