Ticket sales have ended. Please check out one of these upcoming shows!
Sunday January 6th, 2019 - 5:00PM
Location : New York Comedy Club New York, NY
It’s never too early for Comedy! Join us for the quintessential New York City Comedy experience. Our happy hour show presents a mix of citywide stars, club favorites, and fresh faces so you can kick off your evening with a lot of laughs!
Ryan Dacalos
Zach McGovern
Elon Altman
Erik Bransteen
Danny Palmer
Olga Namer
Natalie Cuomo
Jax Dell'osso
Chloe La Branche
Ray Gootz
Leonard Ouzts
Andrew Lee
Ryan Dacalos
Zach McGovern
Elon Altman
Erik Bransteen
Danny Palmer
Olga Namer
Natalie Cuomo
Jax Dell'osso
Chloe La Branche
Ray Gootz
Leonard Ouzts
Andrew Lee